
It is not just academic courses we offer, how about training for a new career ? Here are just a few examples of what we can offer overseas:
Hospitality and Management
Agricultural Professions
Film and Media Studies.
Aircraft Pilot
Travel Consultants
Nursery and Care Professions

In many cases we can offer a level of qualification that may facilitate migration to another country but in every case, suitable training is available for those wishing to improve their chances of a career in skill shortage areas.

Vocational Education and Training (VET) system provides pathways for new entrants to the labour market, further training for those in employment or seeking a career change, and provides a pathway to higher education. VET, often referred to as Technical and Vocational Education (TVE) in some countries, provides individuals with the skills required in a modern economy and delivers training that is practical and career-oriented.
VET is very popular in Australia and has often been used as a pathway to migration in the past

Contact us today and ask the question to see if it is available.

Education abroad – it is the future !
For more information about these or any other programmes, please contact us to discuss your potential.